• 2 × 10 ″ Quested midfield monitor speakers, flush mounted

• 5 x Genelec 1031 A, (THX-Sound) monitors for 5.1 Surround

• Yamaha NS-10 nearfield monitors

• Power amps custom made by ACM

• CD reference player Pioneer PD-91

• Tascam DA-30 DAT recorder

• Sony ES 555 SP DAT recorder

Tascam HD-P2 FlashCard recorder for external recordings / location recording

• Headphone amp by Lakepeople & Behringer

• AKG 240 monitor / Sennheiser HD 540 / Sony MDR-V 700s, Beyer DT-100

• AIWA WX-99 tape recorder

In addition an excellent selection of amplifiers, basses and guitars:

VHT (orig.US), Black Star, Fender, Marshall, FBT, Hughes & Kettner, Eich Bass Amps

five Stratocaster / Telecaster with Häussel & Kloppmann pickups

Höfner Reference Tele, EMG-Strat from Henner

Gibson Les Paul Standart, Gibson Les Paul Studio

a Takamine Western Guitar from the Artist series & a Peerless Special

1 Fender Precision bass (Häussel PUs), 2 Sandberg California basses

a Telecaster bass, an acoustic bass,

a Reussenzehn Talk Box and much more …

Effect devices (hardware):

• TC M5000 (2 x analog & digital)

• Lexicon PCM 70

• TC Finalizer

• SPL Spectralizer

• Dynacord DRP 20 Multi-FX

• Sony D-7 MultiFX

• Yamaha SPX-90 FX

• TC Gold Channel 24-bit Mike preamp

Aphex Dominator II

• Drawmer DL 241 compressors

• Drawmer DS 201 gates

• DBX 160 XT Compressor

• Roland GRC-50 Git.synth.

• Drum computer Roland R8 and Roland Octapad

• Korg M1 Synthy, M-Audio Oxygen 8


• Brauner Valvet & Phantom

Neumanns U-87, U-89, KM-184s

• AKGs C 414s, C 1000s

• Dynamic Sennheisers, Shures, Sonys, Bayerdynamics

Mics & Instruments all on VOVOX cables

Sound libraries:

For all special effects or sound designs we have around 50,000 high quality sound samples in our library. This gives you a huge reservoir of sounds and atmospheres for your music production, sound designs, advertising and radio plays. For surround productions: we create the effects and ambience atmospheres of Urban Atmospheres 5.1 and what doesn’t exist.

Some of our Customers …